Clearing & Releasing Negative Energy From Chakras

Releasing Energy From Chakras

There are many benefits to clearing and releasing negative energetic blockages from your chakras.

Our Chakras are constantly taking in energy, positive and negative, from a multitude of sources. We even take on energetic patterns and beliefs from our mother while still in the womb.

Much of this negative energy that is stored in our chakra is heavy and dense, and when it is cleared clients often report an amazing feeling of lightness.

Common Blockages Held In Our Chakras

Long standing struggles with money.

This is poverty soul programming which is running and can affect every aspect of your life.

The most common energetic blockages that require clearing are spirit root beliefs around being good enough, deserving, being worthy, struggle and lack. A majority are past life programming, but are also often taken on from your parents and ancestors, during your first few years or your life, and even while you are in the womb.

It is vital to clear all of the energetic patterns from the main chakras involved which are the 1st, second & third chakras.

Challenging & Difficult Relationships

The most common energetic blockages that require clearing are spirit root beliefs around Codependency, seeking validation from others because of a lack of self love. May also include a need for attention, love, approval, and appreciation. Past life patterns of Expectation, Disappointment, Blame. Rescuer/Persecutor/Victim karmic loop. Past life contracts, oaths, vows, commeals, commealities, religious vows, bindings, hooks, and cords to other people.

Benefits of Chakra Clearings

Chakra balancing can generally help you live a healthier lifestyle, not only in terms of your body, but in terms of your heart and mind as well. By doing so, you don’t only keep yourself healthy, but you preserve the richness of your relationship and love compatibility with those around you as well. There are many ways to learn this art because there are many experts who have their own unique although equally effective approaches. Trying it out can benefit you a lot.

releasing energy from chakras


Chakra balancing can generally help you live a healthier lifestyle, not only in terms of your body, but in terms of your heart and mind as well. By doing so, you don’t only keep yourself healthy, but you preserve the richness of your relationship and love compatibility with those around you as well. There are many ways to learn this art because there are many experts who have their own unique although equally effective approaches. Trying it out can benefit you a lot.

Vital for emotional and physical well being, Chakras must be clear of toxins and everyday debris. There are a number of effective ways to keep your Chakras in good running order. It is essential to do chakra clearing techniques regularly and you’ll feel relaxed and clear.

I have studied many clearing & healing systems and of the many different methods of chakra clearing and balancing, below are several of my top picks.

Tips & Techniques to Remove General Chakra Blockages

Sacred Power Symbol
Meditation & Visualization
Tones & Sound
Healing Videos
Rasavidya Yoga Stands
Vibrational Flower Essences & Homeopathic Remedies
Debi Rose Spiritual Healing Session

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